
Choose your subscription plan

  • SHIPNEXT Trading Desk

    Trading Desk to access the Shipping Marketplace

    Save $269 a year

    $79900/ yr

    Save $ 22.42 per month

    • 24/7 Shipping Marketplace
    • Instant Cargo-to-Ship or Ship-to-Cargo matching
    • Import of open Ship positions and Cargo/Freight Requests
    • White & Black lists
    • Search Cargo/Freight requests
    • Search for open Ship positions or Shipping solutions
    • Automated Freight calculator
    See all features
  • SHIPNEXT Connect

    E-mail processing and Cargo-to-Ship matching

    Save $300 a year

    $30000/ yr

    Save $ 25 per month

    • 24/7 Shipping Marketplace
    • Instant Cargo-to-Ship or Ship-to-Cargo matching
    • Import of open Ship positions and Cargo/Freight Requests
    • Real-time email processing
    • Distribute incoming emails to open Ship Positions
    See all features
  • SHIPNEXT Professional

    Unlimited plan including the use of the Trading Desk and SHIPNEXT Connect

    Save $189 a year

    $99900/ yr

    Save $ 15.75 per month

    • 24/7 Shipping Marketplace
    • Market insights with News and Indexes
    • Instant Cargo-to-Ship or Ship-to-Cargo matching
    • Import of open Ship positions and Cargo/Freight Requests
    • White & Black lists
    • Search Cargo/Freight requests
    • Real-time email processing
    • Distribute incoming emails to open Ship Positions
    See all features
  • SHIPNEXT Monitor

    Customized solution for Cargo tracking and Supply Chain Management


    on demand


    • 24/7 Shipping Marketplace
    • Instant Cargo-to-Ship or Ship-to-Cargo matching
    • Import of open Ship positions and Cargo/Freight Requests
    • Cargo tracking
    • Ship tracking
    • Supply Chain management
    • Door-to-door supply-chain integration
    See all features

Compare our pricing plans


Limited Access

SHIPNEXT Trading Desk


SHIPNEXT Professional


24/7 access to the Shipping Marketplace
Market insights with News and Indexes
Instant Cargo-to-Ship or Ship-to-Cargo matching
Import of open Ship positions and Cargo/Freight Requests from the Shipping marketplace
Create a White or Black list to limit access to your Cargo or Freight Request or open Ship position
Search for open Cargo or Freight requests
Search for open Ship positions or Shipping solutions
Use of SHIPNEXT reverse freight auction services
Online Freight Trading and Contract Management tools
Access to an automated Freight calculator
Access to Port-related data and restrictions
Connectivity of Trading desk to individual Corporate reverse Freight-trading Platforms (MJunction, Quest, etc)
Access to Charterers, Carriers, Brokers contacts
Use of Electronic Bill of Lading solution
Access to SHIPNEXT Chat
Instant Charter Party printer
Access to Instant Freight Index
Access to S&P Fleet list
Use of SHIPNEXT algorithm for real-time email processing inside the Trading desk
Use of SHIPNEXT algorithm for real-time email processing inside the email Software
Distribute incoming emails into Cargo-related data or Freight requests and open Ship Positions
Optional Seamless integration between your email software and your Trading Desk
Interaction between your Email software and the SHIPNEXT Trading desk during Freight negotiations
Add your Charter party to SHIPNEXT
Interconnectivity between different branches and offices on the SHIPNEXT Trading desk
Create a Corporate Freight Trading Desk
Cargo tracking
Ship tracking
Supply Chain management
Door-to-door supply-chain integration

Please select product
and paid subscription


Limited access


Save $ 22.42 per month


Save $ 25 per month


Save $ 15.75 per month

on demand


You're in good company

VaramarVaramarIfchorIfchorEPNEPNUni-tankersUni-tankersLeewayLeewayMartrade groupMartrade groupRenkaedeRenkaedeJindal shadeedJindal shadeedAntrac holdingAntrac holdingGjunqueraGjunqueraLMCLMCTLCTLCAlmadina logisticsAlmadina logisticsParetoshipParetoshipShipforsaleShipforsaleMicrosoftMicrosoftNavideepNavideepSeatramSeatramKaboky yachtingKaboky yachtingInterpipeInterpipeAcirfaAcirfaOrientOrientKogaKogaThalassa maritimeThalassa maritimeSBB Shipping USASBB Shipping USAA&L cargoA&L cargoBaltic lineBaltic lineAnchor upAnchor upFairwindFairwindAfage groupAfage group


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